So it was my bday on Wednesday and I have been ill ALL week, but I still managed to have a great bday celebration on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and again on Saturday, and I'm off to Portugal on Friday till Sunday with work (WOOHOO!!!) and I'm sure I'll still be celebrating then too, I don't actually like my birthday so this is a big thing for me, to celebrate it 5 times over two weeks, it's awful!!!
My lovely parents actually listened to me. As soon as I saw this watch a couple of months ago, I knew I HAD to have it. I just didn't know how I was going to afford it? Thankfully my friends reminded me that my birthday was a couple of months away and it was the perfect gift to ask for!!!
Just look at it. look at the colour, matches my skin tone perfectly for starters, and the minimalist nature of it with the glass edge so you an see through to my skin. amazing. nobody else would have this watch, and I don't know why, it's a steal. I've always wanted a watch with a brown strap for the days that I wear brown - I don't know why though because I don't even have a watch with a black strap for the days I wear black (???) so this is the perfect watch for the days when I'm wearing any colour, as it's a neutral tone, it'll go with any colour, and I cannot wait to wear it with navy blue, it'll set off navy perfectly!
I could go on forever, but I actually have to go grocery shopping and all that stuff, back to work tomorrow after a 5 day weekend, and I am not looking forward to it, so much to organize in myself... funny how a couple of days off can set you off routine in a massive way!!!