Friday, 8 January 2010

Emma > Burberry

I hated seeing Emma for Burberry on Photoshop Disasters as it is obvious that her leg is carefully placed behind her brother's leg. Emma isn't the tallest girl in the world, therefore, her limbs are too long either. But to then suggest that they removed her leg all together is the most absurd thing I ever heard. Why would Burberry do such a thing, with all the money they put forwards for their ad campaigns, why would they choose to release an image where her leg is amputated if it wasn't what happened in the natural pose of Emma?

Anyway, BryanBoy cleared things up, and blogged a video with some real footage, yes, you can see Emma in real time hiding her leg behind brother dearest.

Maybe they knew it would cause some drama and one hundred million more people would see the fabulous fashion of Christopher Bailey... either way, I still love Burberry.
Thank you.

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