Saturday, 5 December 2009

Katy Perry stealing MY style.....

Well well what do we have hear.... Katy Perry wearing the River Island Panda beanie.

The River Island Beanie that I brought Months ago! The River Island beanie I wanted before it had even gone into production (one of the many perks working for River Island HQ) and everyone is claiming she started this trend! Most flattered that Ms Perry copied me ;) heheheheh

The panda beanie comes in cream and black (which I have) black and white (which Peter has) and grey and blue (which my friend Emma has) we have all gone a tad crazy for the panda beanie a trend which I can honestly say I started amongst the rich and famous!! ;)

Love Alice - Soon to be Katy Perry's stylist


  1. Haha, check you out!! It's such a cute hat.
    I completely want to be Katy Perry. It's my one wish.
    Someone wore that hat to uni & was sat across from me in the computer room and it looked hilarious, because you could only see this panda head bobbing about over the top of the computer screen! It literally looked like a panda had learnt to use a Mac.
    Btw - thanks for your divine comment about my Style Society post ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. I know!!! I think I am slightly jealous of Katy Perry (only because she bagged Russel Brand) I love wearing my panda!!! Peter insists on pulling his one over his face!!! looks TRES scary!! I loved your stlye society post £1 drinks!! Good times! :)
